Saturday, October 19, 2019

Sutainable operations - industry sector report Essay

Sutainable operations - industry sector report - Essay Example Therefore, in order to retain its reputation, it implemented varied types of sustainable operations. The industry of aviation is described as one of the fastest growing segment in the entire globe. It is mainly due to the rapid transformation that took place in this sector after liberalization. As a result, the number of passenger as well as cargo airlines increased both in domestic and international levels. This geared the revenue by $ 147.2 billions along with an annual growth of 3 percent in 2011 and 2012. Side by side, the profit margin of the airline industry also enhanced by $ 2.1 billions that helped in contributing a significant portion to the gross domestic product (GDP) and gross national product (GNP). So, aviation industry presented a significant impact over the economic condition of the country as compared to others. The aviation industry is one of the most innovative one that connects individual and countries from one place to another. However, inspite of such positive effects, it is facing varied types of challenges. All of them are mentioned below: Effect of green houses gases (GHG) - due to the emission of varied types of poisonous gases such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide and other air polluting gases, traps the outgoing sources of energy emitting from the lower surface of the ground thereby increasing its temperature as a whole. Depletion of ozone layer - due to the emission of varied types of harmful gases, the level of ozone is depleting day by day to a significant extent. Due to which, the rate of harmful ultra-violet rays are entering into the surface of the earth thereby making presenting varied types of disorders within the human beings. Aircraft noise pollution- aircrafts are also a prime reason for generating huge rate of noises thereby disrupting the general live of the society

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